Maps The various funny, daft, and/or well researched and informative maps I’ve made. Click the button to see the post: MAPPA VIAE LACTEAE: A map of the Milky Way galaxy in the style of a 16th century cartographer Map of English dialects in the UK The Ba Green: the land that Scotland won in a football game My Recursive Hexagonal Flat Earth Map Who Brings Presents in Different Britishregions? How a coastline 100 million years ago influences modern election results in Alabama The difference between Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and the British Isles Bifurcation: The secret giant islands formed when rivers split A Brief History of British and Irish Languages 18 Maps of the Developed World That Make America Look Bad 6 Ways to Divide British Accents 6 Ways to Divide England Linguistically Nine Names for British Bread-Lumps Where is the North of England? England Could Have Been Called Sexland Winter Solstice Sunrise and Sunset