Mum, mummy, mam, mammy, ma, maw, or mom? I’ve put together some maps to show what British and Irish people call their mothers, when speaking English. This data is from surveys that focused on adults, rather than children. While I’ve tried to make them as accurate as possible, in areas with low population densities they […]
Eight British and Irish Accent Maps

Eight maps to show how the differences in how vowels are pronounced in Britain and Ireland. Explanations of each map below: Map 1: Rhoticity Rhoticity in English refers to whether or not an “r” is pronounced when it isn’t before a vowel.For example, in rhotic accents, the word “arm” has a true “r” sound in […]
Map of British English dialects

This map took me a long time to make, and is very detailed, but will always be incomplete and inaccurate due to the nature of language. Why this map is so detailed The diversity of English dialects in the United Kingdom is enormous. It’s common for people from either side of a river, mountain, or […]

A map of the Milky Way galaxy in the style of a 16th century cartographer I was looking for maps of our galaxy, and realised I couldn’t really find any. There are plenty of diagrams and artists impressions, but all focus in showing what our galaxy would actually look like from above. All very literal, […]
My Recursive Hexagonal Flat Earth Map

My proposal for a new Flat Earth map was rejected by the Global Flat Earth Society, so I guess I’ll share it here instead. Fun fact: circumnavigating the world will land you in an alternate version of your starting country:
The Ba Green: the land that Scotland won in a football game

Everybody loves weird borders right?Here’s my favourite: This is the Ba Green, a 3 acre meadow on the English side of the River Tweed that, for no clear reason, belongs to Scotland.Well, it turns out the reason is pretty unusual:Scotland won it in a football game!But this wasn’t football like you think of it today: […]
How a coastline 100 million years ago influences modern election results in Alabama

If (like me) you enjoy looking at maps, you might sometimes wonder why a map looks a the way it does. The events leading to a certain demographic being more common here, or a border being drawn there, can often be very complex, and fascinating.Here I’ve gathered 6 maps of the US state of Alabama. […]
Bifurcation: The secret giant islands formed when rivers split

As I’m sure you’re aware, rivers usually combine together to make larger and larger rivers until they reach the sea.However, there are some exceptions: rivers do sometimes split up and flow in separate directions. These splits are called “bifurcations” (bi” meaning “two”, and “furcations” being the forks). They happen most often when rivers are close […]
The difference between Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and the British Isles

…and how to talk about them without offending people The history of Britain and Ireland is long, complicated and horribly messy, and as a result, lots of people get the words that describe the region mixed up. As well as being inaccurate, misusing these words can cause a lot of offence, so it’s important to […]
Who Brings Presents in Different British regions?

I’ve been getting a lot of confused comments about this post, especially from non-Brits, so I though I should clear it up.Lets start at the bottom and work our way up: Old Nick Yes, in western Cornwall, all gifts are brought by Satan, as a result of a typo in a royal charter in 1338. […]