This is number 2 in a series I’m writing about Proto-Indo-European deities. For part one, click here: Perkwunos: the Original Thunder God The Anglo-Saxon, Lithuanian, Roman, Greek and Hindu dawn goddesses are (probably) all related, and descended from an ancient goddess worshipped 6000 years ago. Hausos: The Proto-Indo-European Dawn Goddess We have no writing or records […]
Perkwunos: The Original Thunder God

The Celtic, Irish, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Baltic, Slavic, and Hindu thunder gods are (probably) all connected, and descended from an ancient thunder god worshipped 6000 years ago. The Proto-Indo-Europeans About six thousands years ago, somewhere on the border between Europe and Asia, there lived a people called the Proto-Indo-Europeans . They spoke the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language, […]
The Evolution of Father Christmas

Who is Father Christmas? Father Christmas is the name given to the personification of Christmas in England. He is also increasingly called “Santa” (the American word), but the two were once very different figures with separate origins. Father Christmas is a much older tradition and, like many Christmas traditions, may have roots in the ancient […]