Alreet lads and lasses! Has it gannin? I’ve made catalogue of Northumbrian and Geordie dialect words. Some of them are unique to the area, some are found in other British dialects. Some are common, some are dying out, spoken only by a few older people.For each word, I have tried to give the most likely etymology, with […]
Winter Solstice: Sunrise and Sunset Times

A couple of maps showing when the Sun rises and sets on the shortest day of the year, depending on where you are in Britain and Ireland.
The Evolution of Father Christmas

Who is Father Christmas? Father Christmas is the name given to the personification of Christmas in England. He is also increasingly called “Santa” (the American word), but the two were once very different figures with separate origins. Father Christmas is a much older tradition and, like many Christmas traditions, may have roots in the ancient […]
Where is the North of England?

I’ve been seeing a lot of confused people on the internet recently, with strange ideas about where the North of England is. As a Northerner myself, I feel it is my duty to set the record straight.
Nine Names for British Bread-Lumps

Bread-lumps of Britain! In the UK, and especially England, we have an incredible variety of names for the humble medium-sized-bread-lump.While roll, bun, and bap are the 3 most common, there are many rarer and weirdly specific words found in different regions. In Coventry or the Wirral Peninsula, they call it a “batch”. In South Yorkshire […]
6 Ways to divide England linguistically

Author Note: This is one of the first images I ever made, I have since remade all of these maps (and many more) with far more accuracy and precision. This still works as a meme, but I am not at all happy with it as an informative map. Check out this website for all my […]