I’ve adapted the astronomical symbols of the 8 planets (plus the Sun, Moon, and Pluto) into 8 flags that could be used to represent these worlds.
I really enjoyed the challenge of making flags for worlds that are without the history and culture of humanity, and yet are still so fascinating and unique. This was also an exercise in following the 5 rules of flag design, which are as follows:
- Keep It Simple. The flag should be so simple that a child can draw it from memory.
- Use Meaningful Symbolism. The flag’s images, colors, or patterns should relate to what it symbolizes.
- Use 2 or 3 Basic Colors. Limit the number of colors on the flag to three which contrast well and come from the standard color set.
- No Lettering or Seals. Never use writing of any kind or an organization’s seal.
- Be Distinctive or Be Related. Avoid duplicating other flags, but use similarities to show connections.
All my flags have exactly 3 colours. All the flags include black and white, with the exception of the flag of Earth, which is fittingly set apart to reflect its unique nature as our home-world.

Below is a breakdown of the symbolism of each planet

The symbol for the planet Mercury is also the alchemical symbol for the metal Mercury. It originated in ancient times as a staff intertwined with two serpents. Like most of these symbols, a cross was added to it much later to make it Christian.
On my flag black and white are used to represent the extremes of the planet mercury:
Mercury is the only planet without an atmosphere to trap heat, so on the day side it reaches up to 390°C, while at night it drops to -180°C.

The symbol for Venus simplifies a hand mirror, representing the goddess of beauty. The cross at the bottom was added later to make it Christian.
This is also the alchemical symbol for copper, a material often used in ancient mirrors.
My image uses a coppery-orange colour to reflect the orange huge of the atmosphere of Venus.

The symbol for the earth is a circle divided into 4, representing “the four corners of the Earth”.
The blue and green here of course represent liquid water and life, two things that so far have only been found on Earth. The white encircling the Earth represents our atmosphere, the only breathable air in our solar system.
A flag of Earth is a very difficult thing to design, as it impossible to reflect the diversity and complexity of our home-world while also remaining simple and unbiased. I hope that by using scientific symbol I can make a flag that is both simple yet recognisable, and meaningful yet universal.

Mars’ symbol represents the shield and spear of the war god. It is also the alchemical symbol for iron, and a symbol of masculinity.
My flag uses a triangle to represent Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system. The red circle of course represents the red landscape of this planet.
My flag of Mars mirrors the design of my flag of Venus, with these planets often using seen as opposites. Being rocky worlds with significant atmospheres they are the most similar planets to the Earth, but while Mars is a frozen desert, Venus is a metal-meltingly hot wasteland.

Jupiter’s symbol evolved from the Greek letter zeta, (Ζ for Zeus). It is also the alchemical symbol for tin.
The circle in this flag evokes Jupiter’s orange and white cloud bands, and it fills the frame to symbolise Jupiter’s places as the largest planet. The four white stripes can also be used the symbolise the four Galilean moons of Jupiter, the first worlds discovered orbiting another planet.
I spent a lot of time working out a good way to stylise and incorporate the symbol into this flag, and I’m very happy with how it fits in.

Saturn’s symbol supposedly began as the Greek letters kappa and rho (Κρ for Kronos, the Greek name for Saturn), but it has evolved a lot since then. The symbol also represents lead in alchemy.
The lines across my flag represent the rings of Saturn, as viewed edge on, while the yellow-brown circle represents the planet itself.

The symbol of Uranus combines the symbols of Mars and the Sun ☉.
This is because Uranus (a newly discovered planet) was associated with platinum (a newly discovered metal). Platinum was seen as an alchemical combination of iron and gold, which had the symbols and ☉ (being associated with Mars and the Sun, respectively).
The colour mimics the deep blue-green of this planet.

Neptune’s symbol represents the trident of the god Neptune. Like many other planets, a cross was added to it to make it less pagan.
The shape of this flag reflects that of Uranus, as both of these words are similarly sized ice-giants.
Like the other flags, the colour here is close to that of the planet itself.

Bonus: Pluto is no longer a planet, but is still a fascinating and important body in our solar system. His symbol is a bident (two pronged spear used by the god Hades/Pluto). I’ve added a heart to represent the Tombaugh Regio, a hearts-shaped region of the dwarf planet that I always picture I think about Pluto
The Sun and Moon
For sake of completeness: here’s the Moon (whose alchemical metal is silver):

And the Sun, whose metal is gold:

These are so cute! Due to my interest in ancient Scandinavian culture, when I see a flag representing the Earth, the first thing that comes to mind is the sun~