The etymologies of the English names of the planets and dwarf planets of our solar system

All the planet names come from Greek and Roman gods, except Earth.

The dwarf planet names are also from gods, but from much more varied languages: in the 21st century it has become increasingly common for astronomers name solar system bodies after Native American and Polynesian gods, as many important telescopes are located in the western USA, or on Pacific islands.
The most recently named object here, Gonggong, was named by poll in 2019, after a Chinese water god.
Please note the question marks on some of these lines, as the etymologies of some of these gods are quite speculative.
The etymologies for the gods of several of the dwarf planets seem to lead to dead ends, unfortunately, but if you’re an expert in Inuktitut etymology or something and know more, please do get in touch!
– Starkey